This tincture of Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) berry, is made using dried berries.
This tincture of Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) berry, is made using dried berries.
The genus name Sambucus is from the Greek sackbut, the name of a musical instrument made of elder. The species name nigra refers to the black berries of this species, and canadensis means "originating in Canada." The common name elder comes from the Anglo-Saxon aeld, "fire," in reference to the young hollow stems of this shrub having been used to blow into a fire to get it burning.
There are over 30 species of elder. Sambucus nigra is native to Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa, while S. canadensis is native to North and Central America. These small deciduous trees have soft wood and grow to a height of between 5 and 25 feet, depending on the species and climate. Elder grows in clumps, with ten to thirty canes (stems) together. The 23 leaves are divided into five to eleven slender glabrous leaflets, each about 3 1/2 inches long, that grow in opposite pairs, often with an extra leaf; they are shiny green above and duller light green beneath. The small white flowers form a flat-topped cluster. The berries are usually purplish black, although they sometimes appear to be blue, which is the result of a powdery blush upon them. They contain ovate greenish brown seeds. Many songbirds and wild animals, including moose and elk, depend upon elderberries for sustenance.
60-120 drops, 2-4 times per day in juice or water.
Certified Organic Gluten Free cane alcohol, USP pharmaceutical grade glycerin, ultrafiltered water.
1:5, 50% Alcohol
Avoid elder in cases of fluid depletion, as elder is a diuretic.
Suggested doses are given in drops. However, for easy dosing, you may want to use the guidelines below:
Droppers: If a dropper were immersed in a tincture bottle and the bulb squeezed twice, the number of drops in the pipette for most given tinctures will be approximately 30 drops.
Note: These are only averages. More viscous (thicker) tinctures will produce fewer, and bigger, drops.
Teaspoons: There are approximately 120 drops in 1 teaspoon (approximately 4 droppersful).
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.Contraindications