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Feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium, Tanacetum parthenium) leaf and flower cut and sifted - Bulk.
Feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium, Tanacetum parthenium) leaf and flower cut and sifted - Bulk.
All of our bulk herbs are organic when available, otherwise herbs are wildcrafted and responsibly sourced.
Available in either increments of 2 oz or save 20% when you purchase a pound.
Make an infusion using 1 heaping teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Steep 15 minutes, covered. Strain. Dose: 1 cup of the infusion (tea) 2-3 times per day.
Avoid during pregnancy and while nursing. Because it can diminish blood-clotting ability, Feverfew should not be used in conjunction with blood-thinning medications and should be avoided for at least a week prior to surgery. In rare cases Feverfew can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, mouth, or tongue; taking it with food can minimize this possibility. In cases of severe allergy to Ragweed, a close relative of Feverfew, use Feverfew under the guidance of a qualified health-care practitioner. In rare cases topical use of Feverfew can cause contact dermatitis.
The genus name Tanacetum derives from the Latin anthanasis, "immortal," referring to the long life of the flowers. The species name parthenium derives from the Greek parthenonos, "virgin," in reference to the famous temple dedicated to the goddess Athena; legend tells that Feverfew was used to save the life of a worker who fell from the walls of the temple. The common name feverfew derives from the Latin febrifuga, "to chase away fevers," in reference to the plant's medicinal use.
Feverfew is edible, though it is not generally considered a food source. It has been used to flavor pastries and wine.
The flowers deter bugs and moths and are sometimes added to sachets kept with clothing. They also can be rubbed fresh onto the skin as an insect repellent. The essential oil is used in perfumery.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.