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White Cherry (Prunus serotina) bark cut and sifted - Bulk.
White Cherry (Prunus serotina) bark cut and sifted - Bulk.
All of our bulk herbs are organic when available, otherwise herbs are wildcrafted and responsibly sourced.
Available in either increments of 2 oz or save 20% when you purchase a pound.
Make a decoction using 1 heaping teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Simmer 15 minutes on low. Strain. Dose: 1 cup of decoction, 2 times per day.
Wild cherry bark is toxic in large doses, so use only in small doses. It may cause drowsiness. Though it helps soothe coughs, it does not address any infection that may be causing the cough. Do not use in cases of severe infection. The seeds (pits) of the fruit should not be consumed unless they have been dried or cooked, as they contain high concentrations of toxic compounds.
The genus name Prunus derives from the Latin name for plum, prunum. The common name cherry traces back to the ancient Greek name for the fruit, kerasos.
Wild Cherry is a deciduous tree, native to North America and Eurasia, that grows up to 10 feet tall. It prefers full sun to partial shade and moist, well-drained soil. The leaves are sharply serrated and range from ovate to obovate. The tree bears white or pinkish hermaphroditic flowers and red to dark purple fruits. Each fruit contains a single large seed (pit). The leaves yield a green dye, while the fruit yield a green to dark gray dye.
Some Native American tribes used the bark to relax women in childbirth. A dried resin made from the tree bark or the dried blossoms can be burned as an incense. The wood is used in woodworking. In Japanese folklore, tying one strand of one's own hair to a blossoming cherry tree is said to help one find love.
The bark is not generally considered edible, except for tea. The berry can be eaten raw or cooked and have varying flavors; Prunus avium is the ancestor of many modern cherry varieties. The berry encourages the release of uric acid from the body, thus relieving joint pain and inflammation.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.