Helps to enhance immunity Food for the good bacteria in your gut Helps fight constipation Helps release stress Helps improve liver function
If you're trying to build the population of fat-fighting, immune-enhancing good bacteria in your gut, you need to know about prebiotics and EcoBloom.
EcoBloom is food for the good bacteria in your gut. Help your microflora do their job by adding EcoBloom to fermented foods and drinks, salad dressings and more.
Prebiotics Help Probiotics
Prebiotics are simply food for the probiotics (good bacteria) in your gut.
Probiotics (or microflora) live in your intestinal tract and help you digest food, assimilate more nutrients, and fight the growth of bad bacteria and infections.
Prebiotics feed the probiotics. By providing the good bacteria and yeast with plenty of food to dine upon, pre-biotics allow the pro-biotics to multiply more rapidly.
Fermented foods and liquids provide an excellent way to add probiotics to your digestive tract.
If you also include prebiotics as a part of your healthy diet, you can make your gut FAR more attractive to the disease-fighting probiotics, encouraging them to flourish inside you as they help make you healthier and happier.
EcoBloom: The Prebiotic Superstar
The easiest and most versatile way to add prebiotics to your diet is by using EcoBloom.
EcoBloom is 100% natural powder chicory extract FrutaFit, Inulin (often called FOS). FOS is fructooligosaccharides, which serves as food for beneficial microflora.
In Europe, FOS is added to everything from mashed potatoes to baked goods.
At Body Ecology, we add EcoBloom to everything from fermented foods to beverages and salad dressings.
Take a look at all the benefits attributed to FOS as it helps promote the growth of the beneficial microflora that live inside you. You'll soon see why EcoBloom is an important part of your healthy diet.
EcoBloom FOS may be just the prebiotic you need if you:
EcoBloom makes a great addition to your kitchen because it is so versatile and so beneficial.
You need food for your body, but your body and your intestines need food for the immune-boosting bacteria.
Feed your beneficial bacteria with plenty prebiotic EcoBloom. Your pro-biotics will never go hungry again!
EcoBloom quickly boosts the growth of beneficial microflora. This suppresses the growth of pathogens, reduces toxins in the liver and colon and stimulates the immune system.
Research has shown FOS with beneficial bacteria reduce the pH of the colon thus enhancing mineral absorption, especially calcium.
Ingredients include
Ecobloom is 100% natural powder chicory extract FrutaFit, Inulin (often called FOS). FOS is fructooligosaccharides, which serves as food for beneficial microfloral. 8 ounces.
Suggested Use
Use EcoBloom in cultured foods instead of sugar. Cultured foods become more potent when EcoBloom is added to the mixture.
Sprinkle EcoBloom into salad dressings, sauces or gravy and improve their texture and "mouthfeel". In beverages it adds body.
Mix 1-3 scoops with kefir starter, cultured vegetable starter, or any hot or cold beverage. In Europe, FOS is added to just about everything including mashed potatoes and baked goods.