Catnip (Nepeta cataria) leaf powder -Bulk
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) leaf powder -Bulk.
Encapsulate in "00" capsules. Dose: 1 capsule, 3 times per day. Or mix with a small of amount of water, juice, honey, or in a smoothie. Dose: 1/4 teaspoon powder, 3 times per day.
Large doses of the tea can be emetic. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy.
The genus name Nepeta derives from that of Nepeti, a Roman town where this herb was cultivated. The common name catnip refers to the attraction cats have for nipping this plant. Its smell has an effect similar to that of the pheromones that cats secrete, and it seems to affect them as an aphrodisiac and euphoric. About two-thirds of cats respond to catnip by sniffing, drooling, licking, rolling, stretching, rubbing, and so on.
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