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- By Valerie Blankenship
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We at Sage Consulting & Apothecary are deeply concerned about the implications of a mandatory product registry for dietary supplements. The FDA already has regulatory powers over herb and supplement stores to stop them from selling unapproved drugs as dietary supplements
Congress is preparing legislation to create a mandatory product registry for dietary supplements which would spell disaster for the dietary supplement industry. Unfortunately, some believe the FDA has "limited authority over supplements" and are actively advocating for the introduction of mandatory product listing (MPL) legislation.
Responsible retailers and manufacturers go to great lengths to ensure consumers access safe and well-regulated products. FDA has the enforcement mechanisms to act as they have done against companies selling unapproved drugs masquerading as dietary supplements. MPL is nothing short of pre-market approval for dietary supplements disguised as "transparency." In fact, many popular products would be deemed ineligible for sale by the FDA if MPL is enacted.
Thankfully, there is still time to warn Congress of the dangers of MPL. It only takes a moment. Click here to send a short message.
Join our fight against MPL and pre-market approval for dietary supplements. Should MPL legislation become the law of the land, it would reverse the tried and true dietary supplement law, which has worked so well for the last 30 years.
Thank you,
Daniel Fabricant, Ph.D.
President and CEO
Natural Products Association
Herbal remedies, homeopathy, essential oils, each have a place. Regulation is not used as intended, rather to restrict. Making it more expensive. As well as killing small businesses.
I cannot rely on allopathic medication, it would cause me more harm than good.
I respectfully request no mandates. Do not take what works for so many of us.
Please, no MPL. After seeking medical help to no avail (and frankly, not much interest in helping me), Supplements given to me by an herbalist rescued me from digestion issues that had me contemplating suicide. Please do not make good health even more difficult to come by. Thank you!