Winter Preparedness Guide
- Posted on
- By Valerie Blankenship
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Winter Preparedness Guide
Adult Dosing:
The doses listed are for adults around 150 Lbs. If you weigh more or less, adjust the dose accordingly. For example: if you weigh 200 pounds, take 25% more.
Winter Prevent Kit
-Zinc Supreme (30 mg Zinc glycinate) – 1 time daily.
-D Supreme (Vitamin D3 – 5,000 IU) – 1 daily.
-Vitamin C – your choice, although some are better absorbed. Ask for assistance. Take 1-4 doses of 1-2 grams daily.
-NAC (Pure Encapsulations caps)– 600 mg, 1-3 times daily, between meals.
-Quercetin (Allergy Research Group or Designs for Health powder) – 600 mg, 1-2 times daily with meals
-Strong probiotic like MegaSpore – 2 caps daily, or even better: 1 cup Kefir daily, or 2 tablespoons fermented foods daily (or all three).
-Magnesium Glycinate or Citrate – 200-300 mg 1 time daily.
Winter Acute Kit
Everything above plus:
-Aqua Mira – Mix 10-25 drops of Part A and 10-25 drops of Part B in container provided and let sit for 5 minutes. Then add to 16 oz of water. Drink immediately on empty stomach. Take 2 times per day. Or use as directed on the package.
-Double doses of Zinc
-Double doses of D Supreme
-Add Black Seed Oil – 1 teaspoon, 2 times daily in local honey.
-Plus: A, B, and C from below. D is as needed:
A.- Choose from one of the following formulas:
- Winter Rescue: Mix 1 tablespoon into water or juice and drink throughout the day.
- Scutellaria Plus Formula: 1 Tablespoon – 3- 6 times per day mixed into water or juice.
B.- Choose one or both of the following cough aids:
- Super Elderberry Syrup – 1 tablespoon, 3 or more times per day. Alternatively: 1 teaspoon may be used every time you cough.
- Marshmallow / Ginger tea – to prepare, mix 2 oz Marshmallow root c/s with 1 heaping teaspoon Ginger root c/s. Place 1 heaping tablespoon of this mixture in a muslin bag. Add 4 cups water to a saucepan. Immerse bag and let sit overnight. In AM (with clean hands), squeeze muslin bag out well, capturing the tea in the saucepan. It will be gooey. (It’s okay if some pieces come through the bag as you can just strain it out later). Bring to a low simmer in the pan for 20 minutes. Remove from heat. Drink hot or at room temperature throughout the day.
C.- Use these together as fever aids:
- Ginger Bath
- Elder Flower Tea (can also use Boneset or Yarrow herb / flower)
- Make a hot bath with 1 tablespoon of Ginger root powder stirred in. Soak for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off Ginger from body when done.
- During bath, drink 2-3 cups Elder flower tea. This is your “sweat herb”.
- Following bath, drink as much water as you can hold with added minerals or a pinch of Celtic salt. Alternatively, drink natural, unsweetened coconut water.
- Get into bed and pile up the covers to allow for more sweating. Sleep.
- Continue to drink lots of mineral water or coconut water during the day to replace minerals lost from sweating.
D.-Head Relief aid:
- Boneset tincture – 1-2 droppers as needed
Other Considerations:
-Melatonin: Begin with 0.5 or 1 mg and increase as tolerated to 6 mg before bedtime (causes drowsiness).
Slow- or extended-release formulations preferred.
-Steam Inhalation: once a day, inhale the steam of boiled filtered water in a sink or basin with a few drops of essential oils added. Good choices of essential oils include Lavender, Thyme, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, or Sage.
-Moducare (Order over the phone): 2 caps in am, 1 cap before bed on empty stomach.
-Colloidal Silver – wash mask with soap and hot water daily. Once dry, spray mask inside and out once or twice a day anytime you are wearing it. May also spray throat several times daily.-Megacidin antimicrobial/probiotic throat spray – spray into the back of the throat several times daily.
-Snoot Nose Spray – for crowded areas where you may be exposed. 5 sprays in each nostril, 3 x daily. Mix new batch each week.
-Topical Magnesium, such as Ancient Minerals products can be rubbed on the back over the lungs for better breathing.
-Can take fermented vegetable juices diluted in filtered water
- 0-2 years: 1 teaspoon daily.
- 2-8 years: 2 teaspoons veggies (combined with veggie juice).
-Moducare (Order over the phone): Children’s chewable or ½ cap adult supplement daily.
-Plain kefir (1 tablespoon a day), or ½ cap Megaspore daily.
-Kids 3 and up can take Vitamin C – 100 mg daily.
The statements within this Blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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